Transformational People Development Programmes

Challenging mindsets and behaviours leading to higher individual and team performance.

Our Clients and Partners

What do our clients say?

Having never tried life coaching before I was a bit apprehensive, but Hugh immediately made me feel comfortable to explore my chosen area of focus. I came to Hugh as I was overwhelmed with day to day life and decision making. Through my sessions with Hugh I gained new perspectives and identified achievable ways to improve my situation. I found the sessions very interesting and energizing and left them feeling armed to make positive changes in my life.

Louise, Dublin

I found Hugh's approach to be very genuine and encouraging. He skillfully helped me remove my own blocks and challenged me to think in new ways and consider alternative approaches. I saw the benefits of my sessions immediately and would wholeheartedly recommend anyone who wants to make some positive changes to their life to reach out to Hugh.

Sarah, Dublin

Having spent many years learning leadership alone. I was delighted to join Muireann for an 8 week program about Entrepreneurial Leadership. Not only does she have in depth knowledge and passion on the subject, Muireann has a fabulous way of sharing this knowledge so that implementing each lessons was made simple and I now have a bank of information for future reference.
Muireann recommended authors and youtube videos at every session which opened up my curiosity and hunger even more about this topic. I would highly recommend Muireann.

AmandaBusiness Coach

I've been doing the Management Development Programme with Muireann for the last three months. It's been both educational and inspiring. I've learned so much about how to view my business and the mindset needed to grow my business. Each area that I need to work on is focused on to make the business work as a whole.
I feel supported and understood by Muireann as she tailors her coaching to where each business is in its development. Everything is broken down to manageable tasks and
we are regularly prompted to make ourselves accountable to do certain things by the next session.
This is really helpful. The course has had valuable input from experts in different fields to support our learning. These have given me a deeper understanding of areas I need to work on in my business.


Muireann Fitzmaurice facilitated the Local Enterprise Office Waterford 2 day residential
Entrepreneurs’ Retreat in 2018 & 2019. Eight to ten entrepreneurs took time out to work on their business not in their business. Muireann took them on a journey involving leadership and strategic business goal setting. As the sole facilitator for the two days Muireann designed and delivered the retreat’s entire programme. Entrepreneurs left the Retreat energised and with actions plans they were going to work on after the Retreat.


We had the Energy Management workshop with Hugh and it was very beneficial. It was a wonderful reminder to slow it down and to make space for our team. I would highly recommend a talk or workshop with for any business or team .

Rebecca HarrisonCEO, Fishers Department Store, Newtown Mount Kennedy

Contact Us

If you’re ready to take control of your life, contact us through our form here or reach out directly below!

Greystones, Co. Wicklow

087 754 9450

Hugh Fitzmaurice